Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's funny

It's funny...

how quickly moods can fluctuate. when I'm moody.

how little things like certain smells and feelings can trigger the most vivid memories. 

how much getting a good night's sleep can improve my outlook on life.
(ha! I just typed "lice" instead of life. "outlook on lice" -- awesome. )

how time speeds up and then slows down, sometimes when I want it to and sometimes not. most of the time not.

how I take some things for granted. like music. what would the world be like without music? we are so lucky to have that.

how we all have dreams every night but rarely remember them. we have a whole different level of consciousness that we're totally unaware of. that's nuts.

how I get really anxious about meeting someone new or giving a presentation at work, but a week later, can hardly remember doing it at all. let alone care how it went.

farts. farts are just funny.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Radio at Work Can Read My Mind!

Dudes. I was TOTALLY just trying to remember the title and tune to a song I was humming last night, and it just came on the radio. I'm not making this up. This radio station has magical powers!

For anyone who cares, the song was "Summer Breeze" by Seals & Crofts (1972). Also, I totally love the toy piano in this song. Awesome.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bought Together, Part 1

Woo!! Just got back from our Spring vacation! Ten days on Padre Island, TX, baby!! I should be able to come up with some material to write about from that, but I'll need at least a week to let all my experiences get really absorbed into my brain... Lotta strands floating around in there now......Hm.

So, I decided to introduce a recurring theme called "Bought Together." Originally, this was a game we play sometimes at drinky-parties once everyone is good and sauced. The object was to come up with the two most outrageous / gross / freaky items one could buy at the same time at the Super Walmart (we always said "super" because then you get more choices of items. Like pretty much anything. You've got the full palette to choose from.) So, you'd start your turn by saying "Walked into the Super Walmart and picked me up some _____________ and a nice little _____________."

Dudes, the possibilities are endless. And with Walmart, you can also choose from all the services like the photographer, the beauty salon, the tax service...yup. It's hilarious!

So here's my first entry. I'm not using Walmart, I'm using Meijer (also a dept store,) but I totally get bonus points because I ACTUALLY went to Meijer and purchased these things. IN REAL LIFE.  

Here goes....

"I ran into the Meijer and snagged a value pack of pregnancy tests, a can of Metamucil, and some Advil Liqui-Gels!" TA-DAA!

Try it the next time you need a party game. It works best later in the evening, if you know what I mean. Heh. It also works better if said in a southern/hick type of accent. I don't know why.